Creative Gardening

Horizontal Bottle Gardening
Woowwwww!! This was my first reaction when I first saw bottle plantation at a home in Noida and the very next day I collected empty plastic bottles and started working on this creative project.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t click the picture of that house in Noida but today I’ve found a picture which I want like to share with you all and I’m sure most of you will definitely try this at home…caz its so attractive, simple, and quick. I've planted only 5 bottles and yet to create a wall like this...Do share the pictures whenever you create a bottle garden in your balcony or terrace and i will post it here. Till then…happy gardending!!
Vertical Bottle Gardening

You can read complete article here


  1. Indeed GREAAT innovative idea !
    Inspires to do something like this.

    1. Hey Aparna...i know ure dying to make sumthing like this in ur balcony!! Just do it with one bottle and start with money plant!!! cheers!!


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